Tuning the Ten-Tec Model 539 Argonaut VI Thomas Witherspoon Ten Tec Argonaut V Transceiver Ham QRP Radio Demo by D-lab Electronics 10,951 views. 4:37. KX3 Overview & Review - Duration: 14 The WB8NUT Blog - Thoughts and Ramblings on Amateur Radio Today. The TEN-TEC 40 meter SSB net will start first at 20:00 UTC on or about 7.260 LSB and the 20 meter SSB net will follow at 21:00 UTC on or about 14.325 USB + or - TenTec Argonaut VI vs. Elecraft KX3. Transceiver Performance 10 Years of Change Rob Sherwood T-T Argonaut VI -135 dBm Ten-Tec started the change in 2003 with the Orion, going back to "down-conversion" (a first IF between 5 and 11 MHz, not VHF). Argonaut V Jupiter Omni VII Pegasus: Notes The Ten-Tec Jupiter must be in "Line" to use the ACCY jack (set in radio menu). Power is not available on this connector, so you will need to use external power for the SignaLink Model SL-1+. The SignaLink USB is always powered by the computer and never needs external power. From the Argonaut 509 manual: The Argonaut 509 was the second in the fabled Ten-Tec Argonaut series of low-power transceivers. The transceiver provides for SSB and CW operation on the 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meter bands with power output of about two watts. It might be argued that this rig 50Mhz - 54Mhz, Full Legal Limit, 100% Duty Cycle Read more > Ten-Tec Argonaut-V WOIPL. Last update 05/02/05 Ordering. When you consider TenTec you need to think Internet. Is this a problem? No, just takes a bit to get used to when looking for details on the radio(s). Manual. As detailed in the ARRL's review of this radio (April 2003, QST) this is a TenTec HF Transceivers; Category Menu. Airband Transceivers. Argonaut VI QRP 1-10 Watt Transceiver ?995.00. Ten-Tec has created another legend within the new 539 Argonaut VI. This "NEW" QRP transceiver incorporates the use of Ten-Tec's ASR design philosophy. companion to the TEN-TEC model 539 Argonaut VI QRP transceiver (an - nounced, but not available as
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Posted by Tiffaney Dulaney on July 22, 2016 at 7:30pm 1 Comment 0 Likes
Posted by Tiffaney Dulaney on July 22, 2016 at 7:29pm 2 Comments 0 Likes
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