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13 Cameras (2015) Spoilers. The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points. Claire is shown in the shower again on several cameras. Photos. Neville Archambault in 13 Cameras (2015) Heidi Niedermeyer and Jim Cummings in 13 Cameras (2015) Sarah Baldwin and Neville Parents Guide:. Does the dog die in 13 Cameras? Does a parent die? Add comment. Yes. 8. No. 0. Is there finger/toe mutilation? Add comment. Yes. 0. No. 4. Are there clowns More Like This. 13 Cameras. He's Out There. Cam. Seven in Heaven On vacation at a remote lake house, a mother and her two young daughters must fight for 27 Jul 2018 In 13 Cameras 2015, you meet Gerald, a grim & lascivious landlord who likes to watch. 2018 sees him return for the sequel— 14 Cameras.

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Survivor & Advocate

Posted by Theresa Taylor on December 11, 2021 at 2:44pm 0 Comments

As a cancer survivor 3 times, I have been spreading awareness on how We can take back Our Health, and teach others the same. over 10 Family members have transitioned due to this disease, many gave up hope. It's time to FIGHT, and assist others during their battles as well.

Hi Paul Anthony, It's Cindy from Cincinnati. I used to talk to you on the phone when I was younger as a teen. You used to call me all the time when you were on tour from hotels and send me cards and …

Posted by CYNTHIA Bryant on August 11, 2016 at 2:22am 2 Comments

Hi Paul Anthony, It's Cindy from Cincinnati. I used to talk to you on the phone when I was younger as a teen. You used to call me all the time when you were on tour from hotels and send me cards and birthday and Christmas presents till we lost touch. I am glad to see you are beating Cancer I did as well. I had kidney cancer and had both my kidneys remover and been cancer free 15 years.I have been having health problems since I have been on kidney dialysis for last 16 years. My health has gotten… Continue

Daddy's Girl

Posted by Tiffaney Dulaney on July 22, 2016 at 7:30pm 1 Comment

I lost my father 2years ago to lung and brain cancer.My life has been forever changed. I miss him so much. I think about him more now than when he was in the land of the living. My father suffered from being paranoid and not trusting people. I believe when the Doctors told him he was sick he did not believe them, so did not inform us either.He bagam to cough up blood years later and i believe he knew then. That's when he informed me and it was to late already stage four.

Daddy's Girl

Posted by Tiffaney Dulaney on July 22, 2016 at 7:29pm 2 Comments

I lost my father 2years ago to ling and brain cancer.My life has been forever changed. I miss him so much. I think about him more now than when he was in the land of the living. My father suffered from being paranoid and not trusting people. I believe when the Doctors told him he was sick he did not believe them, so did not inform us either.He bagam to cough up blood years later and i believe he knew then. That's when he informed me and it was to late already stage four.

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